In Jan 2007 I started taking dance lessons with Alex Sharov on a whim, thinking it would be nice
to pick up a few steps. I had no idea how this one small decision would affect the rest of my life.
I had always been physically active, but dancing is the best form of exercise I have found to date
because no matter how tired or stressed I might feel, I will make the effort to go dance and I
always leave feeling better. After one year, I had danced off just over 35lbs.
I had no intention of competing but after one showcase dance solo I realized that I liked
challenging myself and have been competing with Alex as a Pro-Am couple ever since. There is
a special kind of confidence that comes with pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and I
can see it showing up in all aspects of my life. Competitions away from Montreal (New York
City, Boston, Toronto), have been especially fun because we always make the effort to see the
sites when we are not on the dance floor.
Besides the physical changes, probably the most unexpected benefit has been the close
friendships I have formed with the other people I have met in dancing lessons. So many shared
experiences and laughter, I can’t imagine my life without these people. I can’t thank Alex
enough for helping me discover this true passion in my life.